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3.61 15,733 Ratings 18 beers

Altea, Spain

Spain Flag

Althaia about

Althaia is a brewery founded in 2014 by Jorge Sánchez and Maite Pardo in Altea (Alicante). Its name comes from the original toponym of Altea, which in Greek means I heal. Maite moved to Altea as a wine sommelier, but soon after she met Jorge, who is now also her husband, and together they decided to start brewing beer.

Later they were joined by one of the pioneers of Norwegian craft beer, Jens Maudal from Haandbryggeriet. Their labels are hand-drawn by Martutxa Casares. At the end of 2019, they began a crowdfunding round to expand their facilities to 300,000 L per year.

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