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Reindeer Fuel
2018 Amager Bryghus

Amager Bryghus logo

500 ml

10 %


Amager Bryghus - Reindeer Fuel 2018

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Reindeer Fuel 2018 tasting notes

Reindeer Fuel is the 2018 version of Amager Bryghus' seasonal Barley Wine. It has the classic profile of English Barleywines, with lots of malts, caramel, dried fruits and cherries in the aroma. Taste is sweet, with lots of spicy hints, orange peel, banana and plums and a warm alcoholic feeling and a sweet finish with some slight bitterness.

Barley Wine is an American reinterpretation of classic English Barley Wine. Color ranges from light amber to medium copper, and aromas are quite hoppy, with floral notes of American hops. Taste is ballance between malt sweetness and hop bitterness, but the ballance is always towards bitter, with a strong alcoholic character. It is less hoppy and sweeter than an Imperial IPA.

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