Sundby Stout
Amager Bryghus
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Sundby Stout tasting notes
Amager Bryghus Sundby Stout is a dry hopped stout with the American varieties of Nugget, Centennial and Cascade hops. Pours opaque brown with a thin beige head and lots of sticky lacing. Nose with roasted malts, chocolate, dark bread and honey with more fruity and intense bitterness. Flavour is medium sweet, some licorice, roasted malts, chocolate, followed by bitterness provided by dry hops. Finish is dry and bitter with dark chocolate and roasted malts. Good balance and easy to drink.
Stout is a black beer with a pronounced roasted flavour, often similar to coffee. Flavour ranges from malty sweetness to quite bitter. Colour is dark brown to black, with a long last thick creamy head. Aroma has touches of coffee, and often chocolate and dried fruits.
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Style Score
96 / 100
Overall Score
90 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.54 / 5
Rating Count
6.2 %
/AmagerBryghusTotal Brewer
3.718 / 5
Rating Count