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Expedition Stout

Bell’s logo

350 ml

10.5 %

Bell’s - Expedition Stout

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Expedition Stout tasting notes

Bell’s Expedition Stout is one of the first Russian Imperial Stouts ever brewed in the US. When poured into the glass, it has a dark black colour with a brown head. Roasted malt aromas with smoke and fruity. Some notes of caramel with hints of dark chocolate syrup and vanilla and a very small hit of resinous notes. Full bodied flavour, like a meal even compared to other stouts, large notes of caramel and dark roasted malt with chocolate notes and fruity sweetness. Aftertaste is malty with notes of coffee and rather bitter. Mouthfeel is creamy and alcoholic warm. Dry espresso notes and dark chocolate finish with a little bit of bitterness. Expedition Stout was brewed with aging in mind, so let it age in the back of your cellar in order to get more deep and complex notes.

Imperial Stout is a dark beer, ranging from dark brown to pitch black, and a well-formed head. Aroma and flavour tend to be rich and complex, with presence of roasty malts or dried fruits and touches of coffee, caramel or chocolate. Hop flavour can be from medium to high. Imperial Stout is a good choice for barrel-aging, making the aromas and flavours more balanced and smooth.

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Style Score

100 / 100

Overall Score

100 / 100

Rating Count



Overall Score

4.05 / 5

Rating Count



10.5 %



Total Brewer

3.85 / 5

Rating Count


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