Oude Gueuze Boon
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Oude Gueuze Boon tasting notes
Oude Gueuze Boon is brewed in Lambeek, home of the Lambic style. Boon Brewery only brews Lambics in the 7 coldest months, from early October until April, and then ages them for 1, 2 or 3 years in oak casks. Pours clear dark golden with a fluffy white head. Funky, citric aroma with tones of lemon, gooseberry, leather, and some clear wooden notes. Some yeasty notes, with a bit of orange peel as well. Sweetish sour taste, slightly funky with some yeasty notes. Some wood and vinegar as well, and a clear presence of citrus fruits. This also dominates the dry aftertaste. Thin to medium body, moderately astringent, soft carbonation. Very crisp and not very sharp—easily accessible gueuze.
Gueuze Lambic is a variety of Lambic, traditionally produced by mixing blends of one, two and three year old lambics in the same bottle. While the young Lambic contributes with the sugar for the fermentation, the old Lambic gives the sour and wild character of aged Lambic.
Another difference with normal Lambics is that Gueuze is served carbonated. Finally, the mixture of blends give them a more complex character, being the oude and ville gueuzes considered as the more traditional examples.
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