Duchesse de Bourgogne
75 Brouwerij Verhaeghe
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Duchesse de Bourgogne 75 tasting notes
Duchesse de Bourgogne from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is a traditional sour red ale from West Flanders. The beer is named after Mary of Bungurdy, born in Brussels and dead in a horse riding accident. It is a blend of half a year old beer with one year and a half old beer matured in oak barrels. Aroma is fruity and sour and taste has sour fruits, blackberries and malt presence.
Sour Red / Brown is a cathegory that covers two styles that share a continuity and are originary from Flanders. Their defining character is the fruity character, pressence of malts, and a very wine-like character. The Flanders Red Ale style is closely related with the products of Rodenbach brewery.
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Style Score
86 / 100
Overall Score
96 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.66 / 5
Rating Count
6.2 %
/BrouwerijVerhaegheTotal Brewer
3.691 / 5
Rating Count