Art 18 Honey & Vanilla Wheat Wine
Browar Stu Mostów
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Art 18 Honey & Vanilla Wheat Wine tasting notes
ART+18 & Coconut Wheat Wine is a collab between Browar Stu Mostów and dutch brewery De Molen. It is a uncommon Wheat Wine, clean and mild with lots of yeast notes. The brew was split in two parts, and this one has Polish acacia honey and sticks of aromatic Mexican vanilla. It has malty notes in the nose, with hints of banana, vanilla and caramel. Taste is sweet with some bitterness and hints of banana towards the end.
Wheat Ales are not as yeasty and more hoppy than classic German wheat beers, and difference themselves by using a cleaner yeast and an extra amount of hops. They are pale in appearance, and quite malty with some ballanced hop bitterness. Depending on the variation they can be fairly drinkables or more ballanced towards hop or wheat.
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Style Score
37 / 100
Overall Score
71 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.68 / 5
Rating Count
10 %
/BrowarStuMostowTotal Brewer
3.778 / 5
Rating Count