Salamander Pale Ale
Browar Stu Mostów
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Salamander Pale Ale tasting notes
Salamander Pale Ale from Browar Stu Mostów is a American Pale Ale from Poland. It gets a 3.63 rating in Untappd and 77 points in Ratebeer, it has a low ABV (5.1%) paired with a low bitterness (35 IBUs).
American Pale Ale (APA) is a refreshing and hoppy, ale, with enough supporting malts to guarantee drinkability. ABV ranges between 4.5 and 6,2 ABV, and bitterness goes from 30 to 50 IBUs. Hops can range from traditional to modern American hops. Appearance is pale to light amber, and flavours and aromas are hoppy with floral and fruity notes. It is lighter and cleaner than English Pale Ales, and more accesible that modern day American IPA's.
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Style Score
85 / 100
Overall Score
77 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.63 / 5
Rating Count
5.1 %
/BrowarStuMostowTotal Brewer
3.778 / 5
Rating Count