WRCLW Schöps
Browar Stu Mostów
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WRCLW Schöps tasting notes
Schöps is a historical recipe revived by Browar Stu Mostów, based in their research about this style, who was prominent in the Wroclaw area around the 16th and the 17th century. This beer was characterized by an unique aroma with honey and nutmeg, it had almost no hops and it had a sweet taste, balanced by some lactic acidic character derived by their barrel aging.
Ale is nowadays defined as any beer made with top fermenting yeast, in contrast to lager—which is defined as any beer made with bottom fermenting yeast. But its origins are somehow different, being the definition of Ale by the Encyclopedia Britannica in 1773 a fermented liquor obtained from an infusion of malt and differing only from beer in having a less proportion of hops. Thus the origin of the term Ale comes from Old English alu or ealu, referring to a totally unhopped beverage, in contrast to the the continental hopped bere that arrived to the UK in the 15th century.
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Style Score
55 / 100
Overall Score
43 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.44 / 5
Rating Count
5 %
/BrowarStuMostowTotal Brewer
3.778 / 5
Rating Count