Straffe Hendrik
Heritage 2015 De Halve Maan
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Straffe Hendrik Heritage 2015 tasting notes
Straffe Hendrik Heritage 2015 from De Halve Maan is a Quadrupel from Belgium. It has an overall rating of 4.22 in Untappd and a total rating of 100 in Ratebeer, it has a strong ABV (11%) together with a moderate bitterness.
Quadrupels or Belgian Dark Strong Ales are very complex Belgian ales, sometimes connected with an Abbey or a Trappist monastery. Its appearance range from deep amber to reddish brown. Aromas are rich, with spiciness and malt presence, and hints of fruits. Flavors are as complex as aromas, with malt presence, fruits and some alcohol, and a dry finish. It is more malty than a Dubbel and not as bitter as a Tripel.
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Style Score
99 / 100
Overall Score
100 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
4.22 / 5
Rating Count
11 %
/w/brouwerij-de-halve-maan/430Total Brewer
3.697 / 5
Rating Count