Imperial Brown Ale
Nøgne Ø
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Imperial Brown Ale tasting notes
Imperial Brown Ale collaboration brew between Nøgne Ø and Nørrebro Bryghus, aka “Double Knot Brown”. Pours hazy amber with lazing medium tan head. Aroma of dark fruits, roasted malts and brown sugar with a hint of alcohol. Taste is semi-sweet malty with dark malts, caramel, dried fruits like prune and fig and a hoppy bite. Finish is light dry and complex malty with a hint of chocolate and subtle alcohol. Pretty nice example of a classic Brown Ale.
English Brown Ales are itself a very varied category, ranging from lighter and hoppy to darker and more caramel and roasted beers. Their American counterparts tend to be more hoppy. Malts used are caramel and chocolate, and hops varieties are mostly English. It is a more malty style than British Bitters, and less roast than English Porters, and with less sweetness than London Brown Ales.
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Style Score
91 / 100
Overall Score
97 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.78 / 5
Rating Count
7.5 %
/nogneoTotal Brewer
3.679 / 5
Rating Count