Triple Karmeliet
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Triple Karmeliet tasting notes
Tripel Karmeliet is a Tripel by Bosteels, first brewed in 1996 and based in an old recipe from 1679. It is brewed with Styrians hops that ballances the sweet caramel malts. Aroma has hints of citrics, yeast, flowers, and the same in palate, with a dry finish.
Tripel is a term coined in Belgium in order to describe a strong pale ale inspired in the Tripel from Westmalle—who used the word tripel in 1956 to rename their strongest beer. It is a spicy, dry and strong Trappist ale with a rounded malt flavour. Aromas are complex with spiciness and fruity notes.
Flavour tend to be spicy and fruity too, with malt sweetness in the background and sometimes a honey touch. Tripel use to be high in alcohol, but they don't strongly taste as alcohol which is usually well hidden. Tripels can be compared with a slightly strong version of a Belgian Golden Strong Ale.
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Style Score
100 / 100
Overall Score
99 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.98 / 5
Rating Count
8.4 %
/BosteelsBreweryTotal Brewer
3.908 / 5
Rating Count