ART 16
Blueberry Foreign Extra Stout Nitro Browar Stu Mostów
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ART 16 Blueberry Foreign Extra Stout Nitro tasting notes
ART.+16 is a Blueberry Foreign Extra Stout Nitro by Browar Stu Mostów. It features a combination of blueberries and dark roasted malts that bring chocolate and cacao notes, infused with nitrogen in order to have a smoother texture.
Foreign Extra Stout is a Extra Stout with higher ABV. Color is very deep brown to black, with high roasted aromas and hints of coffee and chocolate also with some fruitiness. Taste is roasted with coffee or chocolate and roasted character, with medium to high bitterness. It is a more alcoholic version of an Irish Extra Stout, but not as alcoholic or intense as an Imperial Stout.
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Style Score
87 / 100
Overall Score
93 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.76 / 5
Rating Count
5.9 %
/BrowarStuMostowTotal Brewer
3.778 / 5
Rating Count