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Dois Corvos

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3.61 103,210 Ratings 200 beers

Lisbon, Portugal

Portugal Flag

Dois Corvos about

Dois Corvos is a brewery founded in 2013 by Susana Cascais and Scott Steffens in the Lisbon quarter of Marvila. Scott had experience as a homebrewer from his hometown—Seattle (USA)—and when he moved to Portugal in 2010, he brought as well some brewing equipment in order to overcome the low beer availability in Portugal back then. They started brewing for friends, and in 2013 they decided to start the company, and in 2015 they brewed their first commercial batch.

The Crow Revolution interview

Lisbon (Portugal), 24/02/2019

Scott Steffens (Dois Corvos),“Portuguese people is generally more in tune with pairings—and how things go together. Americans just don’t think of beer as part of the meal.”

Dois Corvos

The Crow Revolution

Read the whole interview with Scott Steffens
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