Mash Tears
Garage Beer
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Mash Tears tasting notes
Mash Tears from Garage Beer is a Imperial Stout from Spain. It has an overall rating of 4.01 in Untappd, it has a strong ABV (11%) together with a moderate bitterness.
Imperial Stout is a dark beer, ranging from dark brown to pitch black, and a well-formed head. Aroma and flavour tend to be rich and complex, with presence of roasty malts or dried fruits and touches of coffee, caramel or chocolate. Hop flavour can be from medium to high. Imperial Stout is a good choice for barrel-aging, making the aromas and flavours more balanced and smooth.
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Rating Count
Overall Score
4.01 / 5
Rating Count
11 %
/GarageBeerCoTotal Brewer
3.912 / 5
Rating Count