Fruits Of The Doom
La Calavera
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Fruits Of The Doom tasting notes
Fruits Of The Doom by La Calavera is a wheat ale brewed with raspberry and barrel-aged in wine. It has lots of red fruits in the aroma, with hints of oak, wheat and wine. Taste is sweet and sour, fruity and with a smooth and acid aftertaste.
Wheat Ales are not as yeasty and more hoppy than classic German wheat beers, and difference themselves by using a cleaner yeast and an extra amount of hops. They are pale in appearance, and quite malty with some ballanced hop bitterness. Depending on the variation they can be fairly drinkables or more ballanced towards hop or wheat.
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Style Score
99 / 100
Overall Score
93 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.91 / 5
Rating Count
6.3 %
/w/la-calavera/47140Total Brewer
3.768 / 5
Rating Count