Oude Gueuze Cuvée René
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Oude Gueuze Cuvée René tasting notes
Oude Gueuze Cuvée René from Lindemans is an Oude Gueuze regularly released by Lindemans. It has been brewed since 1994 and it was named after René Lindemans, 6th generation master brewed that retired in 2006. It has a complex and sour aroma with funky barnyard notes, hay and green apple. Taste is sour with citrus notes and hints of grass. A sour beast!
Gueuze Lambic is a variety of Lambic, traditionally produced by mixing blends of one, two and three year old lambics in the same bottle. While the young Lambic contributes with the sugar for the fermentation, the old Lambic gives the sour and wild character of aged Lambic.
Another difference with normal Lambics is that Gueuze is served carbonated. Finally, the mixture of blends give them a more complex character, being the oude and ville gueuzes considered as the more traditional examples.
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Style Score
40 / 100
Overall Score
96 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.73 / 5
Rating Count
6 %
/BreweryLindemansTotal Brewer
3.659 / 5
Rating Count