Ybyrá Guaiá
Safra 2021 Zalaz
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Ybyrá Guaiá Safra 2021 tasting notes
Ybyrá Guaiá Safra 2021 from Zalaz is a Sour/wild ale from Brazil. It has an overall rating of 4.27 in Untappd and with a a moderate ABV (6.5%) together with a moderate bitterness.
A Sour ale, also known as wild ale is a category that englobes all type of ales that are brewed with other bacterias than traditional brewing yeasts—Brettanomyces, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus or Acetobacter to name the most common. The composition of this microflora varies a lot even between short geographical distances—probably due to the evolutionary pressure of human brewing activity—making each local variation unique.
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