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Scotch Ale

Scotch Ale beers have a brown colour an ABV between 6.5% and 10% and a medium bitterness.

Scotch Ale characteristics

Scotch Ale is a very sweet and malty style, with a copper to dark appearance. Malt is prominent in the beer, giving aromas a strong malty character, with caramel and sometimes smoked hints. Flavors tend to have a lot of caramel and some smoked roastness, with a sweet to dry finish. It shares some similarities with English Barleywine.


Scotch Ale is a style based in the strong pale ales brewed in Edimburgh in the 19th century, that has been recently recovered mainly by American craft breweries. Is also know as Wee Heavy, as it was sold in 6 fluid ounces nips of bottles, also known as wee heavies.

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