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Swedish craft beer

Beer in Sweden has like in Norway, a long historic tradition related with farm brewing. In the old times, beer and mead were the most common beers among scandinavian, being mead the preferred one. Until the industrialization in the 19th century, breweries were family run, and the kind of beer produced for everyday use had a low ABV, whereas the stronger beers—as well as mead—were reserved to feasts and holidays. With the arrival of commercial lagers, a handful of medium sized breweries appeared, and every medium-sized town had its own brewery. It was not until the 20th century that the market concentrated in a few brands. This combined with the strict rules for selling alcohol in Sweden—any alcohol drink above 3.5% can just be sold by state-owned monopoly Systembolaget—made the beer landscape in Sweden quite dull for a long time, until in the 2010s, the craft beer revolution that had already started in other scandinavian countries—as Norway or Denmark—finally arrived to Sweden, first with acclaimed brewery Omnipollo from Stockholm and later with some of the best new breweries from the late 2010's, like Brewski, Beerbliotek or Brekeriet.

Swedish beer brands

  • Stigbergets

    Stigbergets is a brewery from Göteborg (Sweden) founded in 2013 as a way of supply beers to owner's local restaurant named Kino. Their IPA was awarded as one of the best in the world in Gbg Beer Week 2016.

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  • Brewski

    Brewski is a Swedish microbrewery based in Helsingborg (Sweden). Its name cames from the slang word for beer in some parts of Canada. It was founded by Marcus Hjalmarsson. Marcus decided to become a professional brewer after attending Borefts Festival—a beer festival held in Bodegraven, Netherlands, by De Molen´s Brewery—in 2013. Brewski started brewing fruity beers—with Mango or Passion Fruit—due to their lack of access to quality hops. One of their first success was the mango flavoured ale Mango Feber. Brewski helds a beer festival from 2016, called Brewskival, bringing around 50 breweries from all Europe and the US.

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  • Beerbliotek

    Beerbliotek is a Swedish brewery founded in 2012, by Adam Norman from Australia, Richard Bull from New Zealand, Anders Hedlund from Sweden and Darryl de Necker from South Africa. Its name derives from the latin word bibliotheca—collection of books—their focus is to brew a huge collection of beers. They were one of the first craft breweries in Europe to consistently use cans for most of their beers.

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  • Brekeriet

    Brekeriet is a Swedish brewery founded in 2012 by Fredrik, Christian and André Ek. The three brothers already started a beer import firm in 2010 with the goal of raising enough money to start a brewery. Their first headquarters were in Djurslöv, in the outskirts of Malmö, and later in 2015 they moved to their current facilities in Landskrona.

    Brekeriet beers are all fermented by wild yeast and bacteria, in the tradition of lambic beers, being the only brewers in Sweden to brew like that.

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  • Spike Brewery

    Spike Brewery is a Swedish brewery founded in 2014 in Göteborg by Martin Johansson, Mats Wessberg and Marcus Axberg. All of them were homebrewers, and they used to join up to brew beer after they daytime jobs. They have their own brewing facility, with a capacity of 250.000 l per year, where they also have a taproom in the Old Slaughterhouse Area. In 2018, one of their beers, called Pornographic was banned by the Swedish Alcohol Monopoly—Systembolaget.

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  • Nerdbrewing

    Nerdbrewing is a Swedish brewery founded in 2015 by Hannes Gruber and Karin Carlsson. Their name comes from Hannes educational background in computer science. Hannes was already an experienced homebrewer with many awards in the Swedish scene, and they started the brand as gypsy brewers. They later established their brewery at Malmö, sharing it with two other Swedish breweries, Chad Beer and Lilla Ölfabriken.

    In 2017, they became the Swedish brewery with the highest average in Untappd, heading past Omnipollo. Their most acclaimed beers are Imperial Stouts, like the multi-awarded Indexoutofbounds They have also developed an open source software for brewers.

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