Mango Hallon Feber APA
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Mango Hallon Feber APA tasting notes
Mango Hallon Feber by Brewski is extremely juicy and rather sweet aroma of mango flashing trophies of war, and ribbons of euphoria. Raspberry is young, full of daring, and very steady for the first go round. Citrus peels in this case is just so mellow in fact I'm trying to say it's delighted like me. And all these emotions of mine keep holding me from, giving my life to an APA like this.
American Pale Ale (APA) is a refreshing and hoppy, ale, with enough supporting malts to guarantee drinkability. ABV ranges between 4.5 and 6,2 ABV, and bitterness goes from 30 to 50 IBUs. Hops can range from traditional to modern American hops. Appearance is pale to light amber, and flavours and aromas are hoppy with floral and fruity notes. It is lighter and cleaner than English Pale Ales, and more accesible that modern day American IPA's.
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5.5 %
/brewski_seTotal Brewer
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