Garde Folle
La Malpolon
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Garde Folle tasting notes
Garde Folle from La Malpolon is a Bière de Garde from France. It scores 3.95 points in Untappd, taste has a high ABV (7.9%) together with a moderate bitterness.
Bière de Garde is a traditional style from Northen France. Its name means beer that has to be lagered, and it was the beer produced during winters in order to avoid problems with yeast and then consumed in summers—like the Belgian Saison. There are three substyles: ambrée (amber), brune (brown) and blond (blonde) and also the Bière de Mars, a beer that is supposed to be brewed in March and not to be aged. The differences with the Saison style is that Bière de Garde is more based in malts and it does not have a spicy or bitter character.
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