Westmalle Dubbel
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Westmalle Dubbel tasting notes
Westmalle Dubbel is a malty and fruity trappist Dubbel brewed at Westmalle Abbey. Dark brown coloured with reddish hints, a light coloured creamy head, and medium lacing. Aroma has brown sugar, bready malt, strong fruitiness and a touch of spice. Taste is light to medium sweetness, with a nice fig, cherry and raisin fruitiness and notes of caramel malt. Bitterness is light. Finish is yeasty, with fruity notes fading into a sweet bliss. A small twist to the classical Belgian Dubbel trappist style.
Abbey Dubbel or just Dubbel was the name by Westmalle brewery to their first brown highly alcoholic beer. Its appearance is reddish-copper, with a sweet malty aroma, sometimes with hints of chocolate, caramel or toast, dried fruits or spices. Alcohol is present in the flavour, but never too prominent. Malt tends to predominate, and there is a slight bitterness that doesn't get to the aftertaste. Dubbel beers are not as malty as other styles as Bock, but on the other hand they have a richer malt profile than a Belgian Ale
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Style Score
100 / 100
Overall Score
98 / 100
Rating Count
Overall Score
3.7 / 5
Rating Count
7 %
/TrappistWestmalleTotal Brewer
3.755 / 5
Rating Count